Invesdor Insights

Faces of Invesdor: Hannah Reinicke

Do you want to invest in successful growth companies and mutual SMEs? Hannah is one of our campaign managers who supports the funding companies on our platform to present themselves in the best possible way and highlight their USPs to enable the investors to take the right investment decisions and build a strong portfolio with good returns.

May we introduce? This is Hannah Reinicke

Hannah (28) is a campaign manager at Invesdor. She has always been interested in writing and learning new languages: she speaks English, French and Italian and spent two months in Italy to improve her language skills before studying at Wiesbaden Business School. Although her Italian is rarely used in everyday work, her writing skills are all the more useful: Hannah supports companies in writing the campaigns that explains the companies’ business models to investors. With her help complicated technical jargon gets turned into an appealing investment opportunity. Hannah loves to think her way into new ideas.

Hannah, one of your favourite books is “The Martian”. Does your preference for science fiction have anything to do with the fact that you have so much to do with innovations in your job and often find yourself in new worlds?

Hannah Reinicke: “Well, fortunately my job doesn’t have much to do with science fiction, or let’s say: with science yes, with fiction no (laughs). After all, we only offer products on our platform that we are convinced will work. But yes, I love science fiction, fantasy, novels and books in general. And what I like most about my job is that – similar to reading – I always have to think my way into new ideas.”

Speaking of your job: What exactly do you do at Invesdor?

Hannah Reinicke: “Basically, I am a kind of “translator” between companies and investors. I make the companies and business models that land on my desk tangible for investors with the help of texts, films and images. So our tasks – there are four of us, our team head Nancy, our student trainee Sophie, Vanessa and me – include writing storyboards for the campaign films, creating texts and sourcing suitable images. We also analyse the progress of each campaign to guide companies through the whole process.”

How long does it take to get a campaign like this up and running?

Hannah Reinicke: “Between three and six weeks, it depends on the scope. A two-million-euro campaign needs more preparation time than a 300-thousand-euro campaign because we provide more extensive information. But it also depends on the complexity of the business model.”

As a campaign manager, you probably recognise quickly whether a project will go down well with the investors on your platform. Which topics are particularly popular?

Hannah Reinicke: “Everything from the field of mechanical engineering, for example, technology, the classic SME topics. But also projects with a lot of heart and history behind them. These are mostly products that are directly for end customers. The Berlin-based schnapps distillery Mampe, for example, is one of those projects that are close to the heart. Mampe is the oldest spirits brand in Berlin with a tradition going back almost 200 years. So the investment decision clearly also has an emotional component.”

And your personal favourites?

Hannah Reinicke: “There are a few. Campaigns that deal with technical topics are always a lot of fun because you have to learn about topics I may never have heard of before. I have to do my own research and understand it. I like the challenge of explaining these business models in a way that is easy to understand for the investors, so they don’t have to do hours of research. But I also like writing campaigns for companies like Haferkater where the business model is easy to understand and there is a strong brand behind it.”

Which campaign has been your biggest success so far?

Hannah Reinicke: “Our campaign for L’Osteria was very successful because we raised over 2.3 million euros. Anyway, it’s mostly the B2C products, the business-to-customer products, where the investors are also the end customers, that are always really fun.”

So there is certainly reason to celebrate more often …

Hannah Reinicke: “Definitely. In our team-internal WhatsApp group, we always post updates to each other about ongoing projects and I’ve definitely toasted to one or two particularly successful campaigns with a glass of wine.”

If you were to start a company yourself …

Hannah Reinicke: “… it would probably be something with books.”

What are you looking forward to at the end of your working day?

Hannah Reinicke: “To laying on my couch – with a good move or show or something new to read.”

Do you have a vision for the future of Invesdor?

Hannah Reinicke: “I think that Invesdor will be present in even more countries in the future – and my goal is to support investors and entrepreneurs across Europe in turning their visions into reality.

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