Let's create a sustainable, equal & responsible economy
- one investment at a time
At Invesdor we join forces with entrepreneurs who have innovative business ideas and with investors, who want to put their money to work not only for financial gain but to actively promote change. Together we want to create a sustainable economy that takes into account ecological, social and governance factors.
Learn more about our vision and how we want to achieve it in our mission statement. Or learn more about our impact and ‘do-no-harm’ approach when it comes to selecting the companies we want to fund on our platform.
Impact investing with Invesdor
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In 2015, the United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which presents a collaborative roadmap for achieving global peace and prosperity, both now and in the future. The Agenda's foundation comprises the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which demand immediate action by all countries - irrespective of their development status - in a global partnership.
The SDGs acknowledge that the eradication of poverty and other inequalities necessitate approaches that enhance health and education, diminish inequality, and encourage economic growth. This must be accompanied by efforts to combat climate change, as well as to protect and preserve the world's oceans and forests.
Why did we choose SDGs as our criteria for impact investments?
Impact investing means investing in companies and projects that make a measurable positive contribution to one of the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are globally recognized by all United Nations Member States, which makes them an easily applicable and standardized framework for our cross-boarder investment offering in six European countries.
For each SDG we have defined fixed indicators that allow us to measure and monitor progress and results. The indicators are defined as objectively as possible and sum up the measured impact where possible.
Making responsible investment choices
At Invesdor we consider it our responsibility to create an offer of investment opportunities that don't have a negative impact on the world and the people living in it. To do so, we have developed an assessment framework with a set of criteria that enables us to evaluate companies not only based on financials and historical data, but also requires us to take a look at future risks and opportunities.
As part of our ESG risk analysis, we investigate whether a company has an adverse impact on environmental, social or governance (short: ESG) factors, such as environmental issues, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery. We also analyse whether there are future sustainability risks, i.e. severe natural disasters, political threats, etc. But we not only look at the risks, we also identify opportunities that may result in the future.
What is the difference between doing good and doing no harm?
When it comes to sustainability in our economy and the world of business, there is no black and white. But there is a range of approaches that vary from focussing on not doing any harm with a business model to making a positive impact with a product or service.
Impact: Doing good (SDGs)
Impact is making a positive change on a sustainable (social or environmental) goal while also generating a positive financial return
There are different layers of impact:
- Responsible investing
Acting to prevent harm - Sustainable investing
Benefiting stakeholders - Impact investing
Contributing to solutions
While not doing harm (ESG risk assessment)
An ESG risk assessment is based on non-financial factors concerning Environmental, Social and Governmental matters. Investors are increasingly considering non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities.
B Corp accredited
Oneplanetcrowd has been proudly B Corp accredited since 2016. B Corp stands for ‘benefit corporation’. Certified B Corps are companies that use business as a force of good. To become a B Corp, companies have to go through a challenging certification procedure and meet all the strict requirements regarding social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. B Corps aim to have an inclusive and sustainable future, with a good balance between social impact and making a profit.
Do you have any further questions?
Get in touch
Give us a call or send us a message:
Email: service@invesdor.com
Phone: +49 30 364 285 707
Your contact person
Sebastian Kutschker
Senior Customer Success Manager
platform member.
Crowdinvesting platform 2023.
ECSP regulation of the EU.