Invesdor's Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Invesdor is committed to making a positive impact on the world by aligning our operations with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also want to help our investors to identify projects that are aligned with the SDGs. Every funding round we offer to our investors under the OnePlanet label contributes to one or more SDGs.
A total of 17 SDGs has been adopted by the United Nations. These can be seen as blueprints for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all the world's people by 2030. You can find explanations for each SDG as well as examples of companies and projects that have raised funding on our platform, each of them making a measurable contribution to the SDGs in their own way.
Our dutch office is based in the SDG House in Amsterdam. We are surrounded by about 50 like-minded companies that are working daily to make a positive impact on the world and where every organization contributes to at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
SDG 1 - No poverty
Sustainable Development Goal 1 is about ending poverty everywhere and in all its forms. Poverty can be combated through good, fair wages and working conditions. This also includes promoting the affordability of products and mobility. People with a small budget must also have access to products and services in order to live comfortably.
Organizations that are committed to better social security systems contribute to SDG 1. This means, for example, devising policies and setting up programs for an inclusive labor market.
Moyee Coffee
Moyee Coffee enables countries to make their own money from its #1 export product, significantly reducing development aid. They have created over 600 jobs in the coffee supply chain with the FairChainFarming program increasing the income of the average farmer by 65%.
Cardano Development
Financial markets in developing countries can still be very inefficient. Cardano Development develops financial services and products that give companies in developing countries access to affordable capital. In this way, they contribute to strengthening local financial markets.
SDG 2 - Zero hunger
Sustainable Development Goal 2 is about ending hunger, food security, improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. Ensure good health and promote prosperity for all ages.
We strive for sustainable systems for food products, which means that production must increase, without affecting ecosystems. Specific attention is paid to the nutrition of young women, pregnant women, breast-feeding women and the nutrition of older people.
Fish Tales
FishTales produces sustainable fish products in developing countries, providing jobs and income.
The Ketchup Project
The Ketchup Project fights against food waste and works to improve farmers' livelihoods.
With purefood products, customers can help a person in need with their purchase. For every product sold, a child in a developing country receives a school meal. The company cooperates with Welthungerhilfe, one of Germany's biggest private organizations for development and humanitarian aid, to select projects they support.
SDG 3 - Good health and well-being
Sustainable Development Goal 3 is about ensuring good health and promoting prosperity for all ages. An active and healthier lifestyle, both physically and mentally, is one of the most important keys to a long life. (Going to) play sports, gain access to cleaner and more active mobility (think of a bicycle plan from an employer). Cheaper/accessible care, care for the elderly and vulnerable groups requires attention. This also applies to research into vaccines and medicines.
About 700-850 million people worldwide suffer from chronic kidney disease. Besides transplantation, kidney failure is mainly treated with hemodialysis, which requires patients to spend an average of four hours at a dialysis machine three times a week. With Nextkidney, the Dutch Kidney Foundation has developed the first portable dialysis machine, which will significantly improve the lives of kidney patients.
Gezinshuis de Glimach
Children placed out of home need a safe and stable environment within the structure of a family. Due to a shortage of family homes in the Netherlands, there are long waiting lists preventing these children from receiving the care they need. Gezinshuis de Glimach contributes to safe care for children placed out of home, so that they can develop into strong stable adults.
Hospitals often do not have the money, knowledge or space for capital-intensive medical equipment. As a result, inferior and often no diagnostic care is provided. Resonandina has developed an innovative sustainable model for accessible diagnostics. The company has raised €2.3 million in two funding rounds on the Oneplanetcrowd platform.
SDG 4 - Quality education
Sustainable Development Goal 4 is about equal access to quality education and promoting learning for all. Schoolchildren and students should be able to gain knowledge and skills about sustainable development, sustainable lifestyles, human rights and equality between men and women. In addition, schools should promote a culture of peace, non-violence, diversity and global citizenship. With the right education, one gets a better connection in society and preparation for adulthood.
Young people are confronted with the possibilities and dangers of the digital world at a very early age. TMI is the education partner in the field of digital literacy. They have been specializing in media, the digital world and developing the education of the future for half a decade. TMI raised nearly €700,000 in funding in 2022.
Brownies&downieS is a special lunchroom. It has the mission to offer people with disabilities or distance from the labor market an opportunity at paid work. They offer their employees good guidance and a safe workplace where they can develop to their full potential.
SDG 5 - Gender equality
Sustainable Development Goal 5 is about equality. Men and women should have equal rights to facilities such as education, health care and work. Both sexes should be equally represented in political and economic decision-making. Female entrepreneurship and emancipation should receive much more attention.
Since 2015, Yoni has been revolutionizing the women's care industry. In addition to menstrual products made from organic cotton, Yoni focuses on overall vulvar health and menstrual poverty. Yoni has raised more than €1.1 million in funding on the Oneplanetcrowd platform.
Charly Cares
Charly Cares unburdens parents in the entire process of finding a reliable babysitter - from screening to paying the babysitter. With a female founder & CEO, Charly Cares offers a suitable solution for every situation so that everyone can participate in the labor market.
SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation
Sustainable Development Goal 6 is about ensuring access to (sustainable management of) water and sanitation for everyone. This includes water purification, recycling waste to prevent water pollution, building self-sufficient houses, planting food forests and stopping pollution.
Seepje products clean honestly! Seepje uses the best ingredients from nature and pays a fair price for them. Those ingredients are 100% biodegradable and not tested on animals. That zirgt for cleaner wastewater.
HYGENIQ develops, manufactures and supplies a full range of cleaning and maintenance products that are 100% ecological and safe for humans, animals and the environment. HYGENIQ is "green" in everything they do.
SDG 7 - Affordable and clean energy
Sustainable Development Goal 7 is about facilitating access to clean energy research and technology. This includes renewable energy, energy efficiency, advanced and cleaner fossil fuel technology, biofuel, and promoting investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology.
Windfarm Oude Maas
The Windfarm Oude Maas is located in the Dutch municipality of Hoeksche Waard in South Holland. The expected annual electricity production based on a conservative forecast for the three wind turbines is 34,900 MWh per year, equivalent to the consumption of about 14,000 households.
Fountain Fuel
Fountain Fuel builds and operates energy stations that combine hydrogen fueling and e-charging for all vehicles, from passenger cars to large trucks. They are at the forefront of the energy transition, encouraging people to make the switch to zero-emission energy sources.
Solar park Bomhofsplas
Solar park Bomhofsplas is the largest floating solar park in Europe. The 18-hectare park generates green energy for more than 7,000 households with 72,000 panels. Bomhofsplas is a sand mining lake that also contributes to the generation of green electricity thanks to the installation of the solar panels.
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Sustainable Development Goal 8 is about fair trade, you want to know where raw materials come from. By stimulating local production, jobs can be created in shrinking areas. People at a distance from the labor market should be given a chance and working conditions should be improved.
The electronics industry is currently filled with unfair practices. Fairphone believes that change must come from within. By making phones, Fairphone is driving a movement to inspire the industry to make the production chain more sustainable and social. In particular, they focus on long-term use designs, fair materials, good working conditions and reuse and recycling.
Utrecht Community for Pioniers (UCo)
The Utrecht Community for Pioniers (UCo) 's mission is to bring together sustainable businesses that support and strengthen each other, to tackle bigger challenges together. The ultimate goal: to become the center for sustainable development in the Netherlands, where questions, problems or challenges are not posed to individual companies, but to the community as a whole.
SDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable Development Goal 9 is about innovation and infrastructure. With infrastructure we have to think of transport, roads, irrigation, energy and information and communication technology. Infrastructure is necessary to make improvements in education, health care or drinking water. Without infrastructure it is more difficult to get a job, do business, receive information and make a living. In other words, better infrastructure makes it easier to achieve other goals and improves the quality of life. Without technology and innovation there will be no industrialization and without industrialization there will be no development.
RE:BORN Real Estate
RE:BORN Real Estate is a sustainable development investor that advocates "function-free" building and development. By building function-free, changing demands of future generations can be taken into account. In addition, circular building "harvests" and reuses as much material as possible, minimizing waste.
SnappCar was founded in 2011 as one of the forerunners in the new sharing economy. SnappCar has since grown to become the largest car-sharing platform in the Netherlands. In Snappcar's online community you can easily borrow cars from private individuals. This is advantageous, social and good for the environment.
SDG 10 - Reducing inequality
Sustainable Development Goal 10 is about reducing inequality. More attention should be paid to the income growth of poor people and the income distribution that creates differences in society. Awareness about origin and culture, diversity in our society, provides more understanding in order to involve disadvantaged groups.
Delen Duurzame Energie (DDE)
Delen Duurzame Energie (DDE) offers social tenants the opportunity to participate in the energy transition and save on energy costs. DDE does this by setting up local energy cooperatives and installing solar power installations on the roofs of social housing associations' rental properties. This allows social tenants, including those who do not have a direct roof, to benefit from the generation of locally generated solar power.
Embrace the Future
The young people who are housed at Embrace the Future come from a closed institution or an unsafe home situation. These disadvantaged young people often have to wait too long for a suitable place to live after they have been treated in a closed setting. In addition, youth care stops at the age of eighteen. In this family home these young people can stay until they are ready to live independently in our society.
SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Sustainable Development Goal 11 is about sustainable cities and communities. How do we make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable? By 2030, nearly 60 percent of all people worldwide may live in urban areas. The migration and mobility of people must therefore be organized better and more safely.
Woon Duurzaam
With the explosive rise in energy prices in 2021, more and more homeowners are looking for ways to save energy, make their homes more sustainable and become less dependent on energy market prices. With their unique one-stop-shop approach, Woon Duurzaam is now the party of choice when it comes to integral home sustainability.
Cars sit idle 95% of the time. They pollute when they do drive and take up valuable public space. More than 50% of all inner-city car trips in Europe could be replaced by a cargo bike. Cargoroo is a sharing platform for electric cargo bikes. They have raised more than €1 million in funding to make our cities cleaner and more livable.
The switch to sustainable alternatives to natural gas is one of the biggest challenges of the energy transition within the Netherlands. In order to meet the objectives, the government has stipulated that newly built homes may no longer have a gas connection. Celsias responds to this by designing, financing, realizing and operating the heating installations in new buildings.
SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production
Sustainable Development Goal 12 is about responsible consumption and production. This includes ensuring sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, limiting waste production, reducing food waste, pursuing a greener lifestyle, tapping into alternative protein sources and more plant-based food, as well as near-shoring and sustainable ecotourism.
Stoov produces durable wireless heat pads and blankets with the goal of reducing energy consumption. Stoov warms people, not the air! All products are assembled with recyclable & recycled materials and components.
Weerribben Zuivel
Weerribben Zuivel has a nature-inclusive approach. They are continuously working to make organic dairy products and the production process more sustainable, choosing the most sustainable option available in terms of packaging.
Schevichoven believes in the power of regenerative agriculture, where nature and man are in balance. That means producing healthy, nutritious produce, combined with restoring and maintaining the health of the soil as well as biodiversity.
SDG 13 - Climate action
Sustainable Development Goal 13 is about actions to combat climate change and its impact. Due to global warming, agriculture is affected by extreme weather conditions, among other things.
Every year more than 60 million pieces of furniture are thrown away in Europe. Of the discarded furniture, 90% is incinerated, while the majority can be reused. Reliving is an online marketplace for used quality furniture and home accessories, making furniture reuse the new standard.
Wasbundels provides sustainable and quality washing machines, dryers and dishwashers to consumers in subscription form. This leads directly to fewer appliances in the waste mountain. Together with partners such as Miele, Wasbundels is making the chain more sustainable to realize a transition to a circular economy.
ECONNETIC helps municipalities achieve their ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030 by moving from policy to action. As an independent full service energy consultancy, ECONNETIC develops, finances, realizes and manages renewable energy projects for (local) governments and industry.
SDG 14 - Life below water
Sustainable Development Goal 14 is about life below water. About the sustainable use of the oceans, seas and maritime resources. Together we must combat marine pollution to manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems.
Fish Tales
Fish Tales works to make fishing and fish consumption more sustainable. They encourage the supply of truly sustainably caught fish and offer transparency about where their products come from and what happens to them next.
Plastic Soup Surfer
The Plastic Soup Surfer inspires behavior change: stop buying disposable bottles and bring a reusable one. Among other things, she created an educational plastic-waste program aimed at secondary schools.
Healthy Seas
Healthy Seas aims to remove as many ghost nets from the sea as possible, have them recycled to make new nylon yarn. In doing so, they are demonstrating that waste can be seen as raw material for new products.
SDG 15 - Life on land
Sustainable Development Goal 15 is about life on land. We must protect endangered species of humans and animals and prevent their extinction. That means stopping deforestation and planting more trees, but also building bee palaces, using less pesticides, promoting circular farming, reducing CO2 emissions and protecting biodiversity.
Yogi & Yousef
Yogi & Yousef's dates grow amidst an oasis in the Arabian desert. They work with social workshops and have developed a wide range of natural date products from the residual stream so that no date is wasted. The dates are grown organically and the packaging is plastic-free.
De Kleine Aarde
Our current food system is not sustainable. We are depleting the soil, degrading the environment and biodiversity is rapidly declining. If we want to save our planet, we will have to rigorously change course. That is why De Kleine Aarde works with farmers on 700,000 ha of sustainable soil management.
SDG 16 - Peace, justice and strong public services
Sustainable Development Goal 16 is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies with a view to sustainable development, ensuring access to justice and strong public services.
Cultivar Coffees
More and more consumers care about quality and fair trade and want to know where their coffee comes from. Cultivar Coffees installs personal, long-term and fully transparent trading relationships with local coffee farmers.
Saltrex provides a circular solution for discarded goods. Of importance is the control of compliance with laws and regulations, which allows circular treatment to be allowed where destruction is now appropriate.
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals
Sustainable Development Goal 17 is about partnership to achieve goals together. Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development through partnerships, knowledge transfer and public-private partnerships.
Donkey Republic
Donkey Republic works with cities, NGOs, universities and companies to bring a solution to Europe's polluted and congested cities to the public. They are driven by partnerships and engage in knowledge sharing with the goal of making urban mobility more sustainable.
Health Impact Bond
Every year, nearly 100,000 elderly people end up in the emergency room after a fall incident. This calls for investment in better and preventive solutions, but these investments often get bogged down in the complexity of the healthcare system and the various parties involved. With the Health Impact Bond we break this deadlock.
Cardano Development
Cardano Development' s mission is to apply its talents and energy to developing countries where finance is an essential ingredient for inclusive, sustainable and resilient economic growth. CD operates particularly in areas where it has built know-how and a network of valuable partners.
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Sebastian Kutschker
Senior Customer Success Manager