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Key Investment Highlights

The wind farm is completed and has officially been in operation since September 2022. You will be participating and supporting 3 wind turbines and therefore will be contributing to the generation of local green electricity and energy independence.

The expected annual electricity production using a conservative prediction for the three wind turbines is 34,900 MWh per year, which is equivalent to about 14,000 household's consumption

A secured purchase agreement promising Vandebron's purchase of the electricity produced by the wind power plant, ensures predictable income. Vandebron is a subsidiary of E.ON and a creditworthy energy company that supplies green electricity to private consumers and businesses.

POG-REF Windparken B.V.

"The municipality of Hoeksche Waard (Netherlands) has set itself the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050. The commissioning of the wind farm will help the municipality achieve their climate goals. Take advantage of this bond to become a direct stakeholder in the wind turbines."

POG-REF Windparken B.V.

Investment information

Investing end:
Invested so far:
Price per bond:
Min offer:
1 Unit
Invesdor GmbH


Introduction to the Project

The wind farm Oude Maas is located in the Dutch municipality of Hoeksche Waard in South Holland. The site was chosen because it is particularly well suited for the generation of energy by wind turbines due to its combination of wind with technical infrastructure and the large divide between land and water.

The project is managed by Renewable Factory, an independent specialist in the development, implementation and operation of renewable energy sources. The company was founded in 2010 and has a large number of specialists with many years of experience in the field of renewable energy.

In this financing round investments in the park's three wind turbines, which were combined to form the independent company POG REF Windparken B.V., can be made. 


Status of the project: 

Fully operational since September 2022



Mortgage and rights of pledge on e.g. receivables and movable assets of the project owner, each in second rank. First-ranking right of pledge on debt service reserve account (capital buffer, DSRA) as well as guarantees of the shareholders.


Electricity production:
35,900 MWh per year
Supply for 14,000 households 

Fixed purchasing contracts with Vandebron (subsidiary of E.ON)

Low risk for the project as a result of experienced shareholders & strong partnerships

You will be investing in 3 wind turbines from the wind farm Oude Maas, which were combined to form the independent company POG REF Windparken B.V..

Experienced shareholders

60% of POG REF Windparken B.V. is owned by the Renewable Factory Group. Renewable Factory Group (60% shareholder) is an organisation focused on the development, construction and management of renewable energy projects. The remaining 40% are owned by Endless Durable B.V., which focuses on renewable energy projects.

Established premium manufacturers

The European business Nordex provided the company with the opportunity to enter into a partnership with one of the world's largest and most respected wind turbine manufacturers. Additionally, the partnership ensures the long-term maintenance of the turbines as well as a constant supply of spare parts.

Highly creditworthy customer

The Dutch energy provider Vandebron has begun and will continue to buy all of the energy from the wind turbines. Vandebron has been owned by the creditworthy parent company E.ON since 2019.

Public Sponsors

Concurrently to this crowdfunding round, Saar Landesbank, a public bank based in Saarland which specialises in valuation for wind and solar financing, will also be financing the company. 

The company seeking financing has concluded contracts with market-renowned partners in all operationally necessary areas.

The company was able to establish a partnership with one of the largest wind turbine manufacturers in the world and a respected player in the field of construction and maintenance, Nordex

The Dutch energy provider Vandebron takes all the energy from the wind turbines. Vandebron has been owned by the parent company E.ON since 2019.

The financing is secured by SaarLB, a public bank based in Saarland with a credit rating A.


The production of 38,500 MWh per year is equivalent to the energy supply for roughly 14,000 households. This will increase accessibility to affordable and sustainable energy in the region. 


Purpose of financing 

In this financing round a total of 1.8 million euros are being sought after. The funds will be used to refinance a subordinated loan from the Triodos Energy Transition Europe Fund (TETEF).

If the total amount is not reached, only part of the current loan will be refinanced. The rest will remain in place. There will be no funding gap.

Did you know...?

As the project progresses, the investment risk continues to decrease because the costly phases have been completed and regulatory and technical hurdles have been overcome. Additionally, at the end of the project there are usually fixed purchase agreements that ensure regular and predictable income.

4 advantages for investors 

Icon Gemeinsam

Your portfolio will be exposed to a financing project in the renewable energy sector something which is otherwise reserved for banks. 

Icon Finanzierung

You are doing something good while profiting from the energy transition

Icon Ausgereifter Prozess

Low risk as the project has fixed and long-term contracts with agreed purchase quantities

Icon Vermarktung

Fixed-income with long maturity offers stable income over a long period of time

More detailed information about the wind park project

You can find more detailed information about the wind park project in the information memorandum. (The information memorandum is provided by POG-REF Windparken B.V.)

You can read more about investing in renewable energy projects here.

Financial figures & growth

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Documents related to the investment opportunity 

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In this update section you will find answers to questions from investors that reach out to us as well as other information. The responses shown are answers from the respective entrepreneur and are therefore marked accordingly. 

Invesdor does not perform a separate verification of the information received after the start of the financing round of the project.

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11.07.2023: Nordex - a knowledgeable partner with strong turbine-expertise

The Oude Maas wind farm relies on the Nordex Group's highly efficient wind turbines to generate green electricity.

As one of the pioneers in the wind energy field, the Nordex Group does not only manufacture powerful turbines but also nacelles, rotor blades and concrete towers at production facilities in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the USA, India and Mexico. In 2022 alone, the company produced 1,502 turbines and 1,243 rotor blades at its own facilities - and these numbers are continuing to rise. Additionally, the Nordex Group installed 1,129 new wind turbines last year and is servicing more than 10,599 turbines worldwide.

The company itself was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Hamburg. The development, production, project development and maintenance of onshore wind power systems are the core competencies and passion of the Nordex Group and its more than 9,000 employees worldwide. Individual circumstances such as local wind conditions, noise restrictions and a wide range of temperatures are always accounted for ensuring that all sites and wind turbines achieve optimum performance.

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