Update 5.1.2023
Questions to CRST, asked by investors:
Investor question: Why doesn't CRST take out a bank loan to secure growth? Equity financing is much more expensive than debt financing. Or do banks not provide financing?
CRST replies: Equity financing is more flexible than debt financing and therefore allows CRST to focus on the implementation of its growth strategy. However, CRST's current low level of debt allows it to support growth also through debt financing. Such additional funding is likely to materialise within 24 months of the issue, assuming a funding round at the base level (=first scenario).
Investor question: In your materials you forecast an EBIT of -€145 thousand for 2022. However, the 2022 income statement for the year to the end of September shows an EBIT of €274 thousand.
So, is the 2022 P&L calculation based only on the Turku unit's figures, or what explains the significant difference between the Q1-Q3 actual and the full year forecast?
CRST replies: the 2022 profit and loss statement on the Invesdor website shows the September figures for the CRST Turku unit, as the title suggests. In the corresponding period, the EBIT of the Helsinki unit was -€162 and the consolidated result was +€112.
Update 27.12.2022
The attachment "CRST Helsinki Oy Result 2022" for the September results of the unit has been added to the documents of the round.
Update 22.12.2022
Prolongation of the funding round
The Board of Directors decided to prolong the subscription period until January 17th 2023.
Update 22.12.2022
Questions to CRST, asked by investors:
Investor question:
Why has CoGS - Costs of Goods Sold increased in recent years?
Antti Iitiä, CEO of CRST, replies:
CoGS includes subcontracting and varies from project to project, mainly due to changes in services. CRST estimates that CoGS has not increased in recent years but has varied from project to project. CRST estimates that CoGS will continue to vary in the future.
Investor question:
What is CRST's key growth advantage?
Antti Iitiä, CEO of CRST, replies:
After the spin-out phase, CRST has combined the expertise of people with an industrial background (operational planning and monitoring, production, quality and sales related areas) with high quality scientific expertise. This combination gives the company a clear competitive advantage.
As a private company, CRST can concentrate on the implementation of research without being distracted by the routine activities of the care work.
The high quality scientific and technical environment in Finland also offers significant competitive advantages. This is reflected both in the recruitment of staff (e.g. quality expertise) and in the actual service provision (e.g. CRST's collaboration in imaging services).
Investor question:
Does CRST plan to pay a dividend?
Antti Iitiä, CEO of CRST, replies:
A dividend is not ruled out. The dividend policy will be decided annually at the company's annual meeting.
Investor question:
Why have staff costs increased?
Antti Iitiä, CEO of CRST, replies:
Growth needs its makers, CRST has prepared for the company's growth by hiring more strategic staff. In industries requiring high skills, it is good to prepare for growth early, also from an implementation perspective.
Update 13.12.2022
Questions to CRST, asked by investors:
QUESTION: 1. Exit scenarios
Listing on a stock exchange (IPO) is not mentioned as an Exit -option. Is an IPO completely ruled out as an option?
ANSWER: Listing on a stock exchange is not mentioned in the exit scenarios, although this option is not the primary option it is not excluded as such.
QUESTION: 2. Growth
Growth forecasts project growth several times faster than the market for several years.
How likely do you think it is that growth will reach the estimates given and is this outcome conditional to the full success of the financial round (scenario 3)?
ANSWER: The growth projection is based on the annual growth of CRST's turnover over the period 2017-2021. There is variation between the financial years, but the average realized annual growth between 2018-2021 has been 24% (2017 as the first reference year). For the projected years 2022-2025, the projected average growth is 22%.
For the different funding round realization scenarios, CRST has set the baseline success rate for annuities quite high (equivalent to 50% of the full realization). The baseline, if achieved, will allow further strengthening of sales activities, which will lay the foundation for continued growth. Growth will also be supported by the full implementation of the capacity created during the Covid-19 pandemic (e.g., full utilization of the Helsinki operations).
Full realization of the funding is not in itself a prerequisite for growth to materialise. But if the round is completed at the base case level this is projected to have an impact on the projected turnover for 2025 unless additional measures are taken.
QUESTION: If this is the case, have growth projections been made for other scenarios and what are they?
ANSWER: For the other scenarios, no separate, more specific, detailed growth scenarios have been developed.
QUESTION: 3. Need for additional funding
Without funding, you have estimated that the company's assets will be sufficient to invest in growth until February 2023.
Under different funding scenarios, how far do you estimate that the funds will be sufficient and do you see a need for an additional funding during the next 12-24 months?
ANSWER: Business development activities are optional for the company and can be implemented depending on the level of business targets reached and considering the success of the financing round.
CRST's current low level of debt will allow the company to support growth through debt financing if the financing round is completed. Such additional funding is likely to materialize within 24 months after the issue, assuming the funding round is completed at the base case level (= first realization scenario).
Update 24.11.2022
Clinical Research Services Turku - CRST Oy and RNatives start a collaboration aiming for a First-in-human trial of a new potential RNA therapy in patients with PAD. Clinical Research Services Turku - CRST Oy and RNatives Oy have started a collaboration that aims to bring miR-466 into a First-in-human trial in patients with peripheral artery disease. RNatives is a platform company utilizing the novel biology of nuclear microRNAs to modulate gene expression of desired target genes.