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Highly Scalable
Growth Market

The circular solution for citrus peels

Marketing content

Bas van Wieringen, Co-founder and CEO

“ Each year, 80 billion kilograms of citrus peel are wasted. At PeelPioneers, our mission is to rescue and upcycle these peels, keeping them within the food chain. We achieve this by extracting valuable ingredients from the peel and reintroducing them into the food chain in growing markets. Having proven this process in our factory in the Netherlands, we are now seeking co-investments to scale up production and prepare for international expansion. Join us in making a sustainable impact on an industrial scale and support our mission. ” 

Bas van Wieringen, Co-founder and CEO PeelPioneers

Investment information

Days to invest:
Investing round ends:
Convertible Bond
Invested so far:
Price per bond:
Min offer:
1 Unit
Maximum issue size:
in 23,000 Units
Discount at conversion:
25.00 %
Base interest rate p.a.:
10.00 % p.a., bullet
Oneplanetcrowd International B.V

Why invest in PeelPioneers

Highly scalable circular innovator: PeelPioneers stands out as a leader in circular innovation in the food industry, with a proven and scalable business model.

Sustainable, growing market: The company operates in a large (USD 2.68 billion) and growing (5,6% CAGR) market, offering unique sustainable products, and collaborates with world-class partners and customers such as RENEWI, International Flavour and Fragrances, Dawn Foods, Sensus, CFF, and retail market leader Jumbo.

Cutting edge circular technology: The production process in Den Bosch Netherlands is unique and PeelPioneers holds several relevant patents.

Strong investor base, EU and government support: Backed by a strong constituency of international investors, including renowned impact investors (ECBF, DOEN, BOM, Invest International) and supported by the EU and the Dutch government. In 2024, three shareholders invested €2.5 million. Nationaal Groenfonds invested €1 million in convertible loans and Invest International supported €850,000. This brings the total shareholder and co-investor support for Peel Pioneers to €4.35 million. Out of this, €750,000 is part of the current funding round as co-investment.

Significant environmental impact: In three years, PeelPioneers processed 27,000,000 kilos of peels, saving 20,000 tons of CO₂ equivalents. This reduction is comparable to the emissions from 8,000 flights between New York and Europe, or the CO₂ absorbed annually by 800 hectares of forest.


Company profile

PeelPioneers is a biotech company dedicated to extracting valuable food ingredients from citrus peel waste. Founded in 2017, the company´s mission is to combat the misuse of citrus peels by keeping them in the value chain. Their innovative and patented process upcycles these peels into ingredients widely used in food, cosmetics, and cleaning products.

Every working day they collect over 33,000 kg of peel from fresh juicing machines in the retail industry through their unique supply chain. At the factory in Den Bosch, they upcycle this former waste stream into products like citrus fiber, essential orange oil, D-limonene, and orangeade. These upcycled products meet the growing demand for sustainable ingredients in the food industry, all developed with their cutting edge and unique technology.

PeelPioneers serves a diverse customer base of over 50 clients, including Lowlander, Royal Steensma and Mayoneur, ranging from local businesses to multinational corporations. Their success has led to consistent demand, often exceeding their production capacity. To meet this growing demand and maximize impact, PeelPioneers plans to scale up production in 's-Hertogenbosch and expand internationally, offering greater returns for investors and benefiting the planet.

Company Info 

Company name: PeelPioneers B.V.
Managing Director: Bas van Wieringen
Business ID number: 68244673
Founding Year: 2017
Address: Koenendelseweg 29A
5222 BG ’s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Industry: Food Ingredients / Bio Technology
Number of employees: 43
Locations: Den Bosch, production site & office
Social Media:


Products and services

PeelPioneers Products

Orange juice producers in both industrial juicing and retail sectors face challenges handling residual peel due to its wet and acidic nature, making alternative disposal methods like composting or fermentation costly and environmentally damaging. PeelPioneers provides a cost-effective and sustainable solution by processing peel into valuable ingredients for the food industry.

The food industry seeks plant-based ingredients that reduce environmental impact, promote health, and support a sustainable food system. PeelPioneers' product portfolio meets these needs with circular dietary fiber, orangeade, and orange oil, helping other companies comply with CSRD regulations.

PeelPioneers produces a range of upcycled products derived from citrus peel, categorized into food, cosmetics, and cleaning products:

Food products:

  • Citrus fiber: This natural ingredient enhances texture and nutritional value in various food products. As a member of the hydrocolloids family, it forms viscous dispersions or gels in water and is used as a thickening and gelling agent. Citrus fiber is commonly applied in dairy replacements, meat alternatives, and bakery products. Unlike traditional ingredients like methyl cellulose, xanthan, and guar gum, citrus fiber is a clean label product with no E-number registration.

  • Orangeade: Orangeade is candied orange peel and finds its main application in the bakery industry. PeelPioneers produces small cubes of orange peel using patented and unique technology.

  • Essential orange oil: This beautiful orange-coloured essential oil is mechanically pressed from orange peel. PeelPioneers supplies this oil primarily to International Flavours and Fragrances (IFF), one of the world's leading flavour houses. Additionally, smaller volumes are sold to companies like Seepje, Lowlander, and The Real Baker.

Cosmetics products:

  • Essential orange oil: Valued for its aromatic properties it is used in creams, lotions, and other personal care products.
  • Citrus fiber: Used as a thickening agent in various cosmetic applications like face creams and mascara.

Cleaning products:

  • D-limonene: A powerful natural solvent renowned for its degreasing properties, commonly used in eco-friendly cleaning products.

  • Essential orange oil: Added to cleaning solutions for its pleasant fragrance and effective cleaning capabilities.

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"With the Finix fibers from PeelPioneers, we at Mayoneur make allergen-free mayo without compromising on taste. This way, we contribute to a circular economy and we combat food waste. By using PeelPioneers Finix fibers, we can ensure that yesterday's peel becomes tomorrow's product."

- Geert Kranendonk, Co-founder Mayoneur -

How does it work?

PeelPioneers Process

  1. Sales: Oranges are sold to retail and hospitality establishments.
  2. Juice production: The oranges are used to make juice.
  3. Transportation: The leftover orange peels are collected and transported to PeelPioneers.
  4. Ingredient extraction: At PeelPioneers, the peels are processed to extract valuable ingredients such as citrus fiber, orangeade, and essential orange oil.
  5. Distribution: These extracted ingredients are sold to various companies.
  6. Product creation: These companies use the ingredients to produce a range of B2C products including food, cosmetics, and cleaning products.
  7. Impact: CO₂ emissions are reduced, supporting environmental sustainability emissions are reduced, supporting environmental sustainability and helping companies meet their CSRD compliance.

Business model

PeelPioneers Factory

PeelPioneers Oils

Business model for PeelPioneers

PeelPioneers operates a circular business model that transforms citrus peel waste into valuable products, contributing to sustainability and reducing waste in the food industry. Their model is built on two main revenue streams: accepting raw citrus waste and selling processed products.

  1. Raw citrus waste acceptance:

    • Revenue from waste collection: PeelPioneers charges retail juicers for accepting their citrus peel waste. This is a cost-effective solution for these businesses compared to traditional disposal methods, such as incineration or fermentation, which are both costly and environmentally damaging.
    • Steady revenue base: This waste collection service ensures a steady and reliable revenue base for PeelPioneers.
  2. Processed product sales:
    • High-value products: PeelPioneers converts citrus peel waste into high-value ingredients such as citrus fiber, orangeade, and essential orange oil. These products are used across various industries, including food, cosmetics, and cleaning.
    • Product applications:
      • Citrus fiber: Used as a natural thickening and gelling agent in food products, particularly in dairy replacements, meat alternatives, and bakery items. Its clean label (product with no E-number registration) status makes it highly attractive in the hydrocolloids market.
      • Orangeade: Small cubes of orange peel used primarily in the bakery industry.
      • Essential orange oil: Sold mainly to International Flavours and Fragrances (IFF) and other companies for use in beverages, baked goods, and personal care products.
      • D-limonene: Used as a natural solvent in eco-friendly cleaning products due to its degreasing properties.
    • Commercial agreements: PeelPioneers has secured sufficient commercial agreements to ensure a steady revenue stream. The company aims to expand its fiber business and is actively pursuing market expansion in this domain.
  3. Expansion and scaling:
    • Planned international expansion: PeelPioneers is preparing for international expansion, starting with a new facility in the Murcia region of Spain. This expansion is part of their strategy to scale up production and meet growing global demand.
    • Funding and investment: The company has secured significant investment from current shareholders and specialized growth funds. For the realisation of the Spanish factory a financing round is scheduled in 2025.
  4. Sustainability and impact:
    • Environmental benefits: By upcycling citrus peel waste, PeelPioneers reduces the environmental impact of waste disposal and contributes to a more sustainable food system.
    • Compliance and innovation: The company helps its clients comply with sustainability regulations and standards, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and continuously invests in research and development to create innovative products like super gelling fiber.

Overall, PeelPioneers' business model is designed to create a sustainable, scalable, and profitable operation by transforming waste into valuable resources, aligning with the principles of the circular economy.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are part of the UN 2030 Agenda, aiming to end poverty, inequality, and climate change. PeelPioneers aligns with key SDGs to positively impact the environment and society. Their innovative upcycling of citrus peel waste supports SDGs like Zero Hunger, Responsible Consumption & Production, and Climate Action.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

Zero hunger:

PeelPioneers transforms waste into valuable food ingredients, reducing emissions by preventing biomass burning or fermentation. This approach adds new food sources and reduces the need for arable land for fiber production. Their fiber likely improves gut health and increases satiety, enhancing overall well-being.

SDG 12: Respsonsible consumption and production

Responsible consumption & production:

Sustainability is central to PeelPioneers' operations. By converting waste into high-value food ingredients, they lead in the circular economy and inspire sustainable practices. They support other circular initiatives by sharing knowledge, participating in round tables, and offering tours.

SDG 13: Climate action

Climate action:

PeelPioneers' mission is to keep citrus peel in the value chain, combating climate change through circular entrepreneurship. By reducing waste and emissions, they contribute to lowering the carbon footprint. Their innovative practices promote environmental stewardship and demonstrate practical solutions to climate challenges.


Market description and environment

PeelPioneers operates in the growing market of sustainable food ingredients and waste upcycling, a sector driven by increasing consumer demand for environmentally friendly products and sustainable practices. Their primary product, citrus fiber, is part of the global hydrocolloids market (USD 11.2 billion) and has a CAGR of 5.6%. Food and cosmetics, the focus markets, measure USD 3.53 billion. Being a substitute for most other segments within the group of hydrocolloids, the total addressable market for PeelPioneers is approximately 80 % resulting in a SAM of USD 2.68 billion.

Competitive environment

PeelPioneers operates in a competitive environment with both direct and indirect competitors. Direct competitors include companies that also produce citrus fibers such as CP Kelco and Herbstreith & Fox, although products differ in functionality and non-sustainable sourcing. Indirect competitors include suppliers of traditional and synthetic hydrocolloids as food ingredients.
Compared to competitors, PeelPioneers holds a strong position in the market due to its unique selling points:

  • Circular production: PeelPioneers offers customers the unique ability to create circular products. By converting citrus peel waste into new, high-quality ingredients, the company enables retailers to transform their waste streams into valuable products, embodying the concept of "the peel of yesterday becomes the product of tomorrow”.
  • Environmental impact: By tapping into a unique supply market of peels originating from juicing machines in retail, the company has a unique position. Preventing citrus peel incineration, PeelPioneers saves significant amounts of CO₂ emissions, making its operations highly attractive to eco-conscious clients and aligning with global sustainability goals.
  • High-quality products: The company’s products are recognized for their superior quality and functionality. For instance, their citrus fiber is a highly demanded fiber worldwide, appealing to markets like dairy replacements, meat alternatives, and bakery products.

Competitive advantages and barriers to entry

PeelPioneers has several competitive advantages and moats that protect its market position:

  • Technological barrier: The company’s cutting-edge processing technology is a significant barrier to entry, as new competitors would require substantial investment in R&D to replicate or surpass this technology.
  • Established relationships:  PeelPioneers has a mutual exclusivity agreement with the market leader, Jumbo, for citrus peel supply in the Netherlands, ensuring reliable access to raw materials. They also have a stable customer base with over 50 internationally recognized clients.
  • Scale and efficiency: The establishment of Europe’s largest peel processing factory allows for economies of scale and operational efficiency that new entrants would find challenging to match.
  • Regulatory compliance: The company helps its clients comply with sustainability regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), adding value beyond the product itself.

Threats from substitute products

While there is always a potential threat from substitute products, PeelPioneers mitigates this risk through continuous improvement and innovation and maintaining high standards for product quality. The unique benefits of their citrus fiber, such as being a clean label (product with no E-number registration), set them apart from traditional thickening and hydrocolloids gelling agents like methyl cellulose and xanthan gum.


PeelPioneers operates in a robust and expanding market, bolstered by its cutting-edge technology, strong client relationships, and commitment to sustainability with a unique business model. These factors not only provide a competitive edge but also makes PeelPioneers one of the frontrunners in the circular economy, creating substantial barriers to entry for new competitors, ensuring PeelPioneers' position as a market leader in circular innovation and both sustainable and healthy food ingredients.

Global Hydrocolloids Market Insights Forecasts to 2032

Management and Founders


Sytze van Stempvoort, Co-founder & Technical Director

Sytze van Stempvoort

Co-founder, Technical Director

Sytze (MSc.) manages multidisciplinary engineering projects and factory scaling at PeelPioneers. His technical expertise in innovation and R&D ensures the company's technological advancements. Sytze's skills in overseeing complex projects and developing efficient solutions make him vital to PeelPioneers' growth and mission.


Bas van Wieringen, Co-founder & CEO

Bas van Wieringen

Co-founder, CEO

Bas (MSc.) is a seasoned entrepreneur with a strong focus on circular innovations. His expertise in business development and innovation management drives PeelPioneers' mission of upcycling citrus peel waste. Bas' experience in sustainable business models and strategic partnerships has been crucial in establishing PeelPioneers as a leader in the circular economy.


Lindy Hensen, Co-founder & Board member

Lindy Hensen

Co-Founder, Board member

Lindy (MSc.), Co-Founder and Board Member, excels in scaling circular innovations. As the founder of Tekkoo and PeelPioneers, she specializes in identifying sustainable business opportunities. Her dual perspective as an entrepreneur and investor bridges the gap between innovation and market implementation, providing strategic guidance to PeelPioneers.

Company structure

PeelPioneers operates in a straightforward legal structure, consolidating all activities and assets into a single entity. All shareholders are direct shareholders in the company.

Distribution of company shares

The company's shares are distributed roughly equally among the Management and professional investors. Sytze is co-founder and CTO and 100% owner of Sytze van Stempvoort Holding BV. Tekkoo investments is indirectly owned by Bas van Wieringen (50%) and Lindy Hensen (50%). Bas and Lindy are both co-founders of PeelPioneers and as CEO and board member highly involved with the company. The professional investors are BOM (a Dutch regional investment company), DOEN Participaties (a Dutch impact investor), and the European Circular Bioeconomy Fund. Additionally, there is a 3% share pool allocated for key staff members.




1 Sytze van Stempvoort Holding BV 51,332


2 Tekkoo Investment BV 49,416 19.49%
3 Innovatiefonds Brabant BV 55,263 21.80%
4 European Circular Bioeconomy Fund 50,521 19.93%
5 DOEN Participaties BV 46,957 18.52%
6 Sharepool for key staf 7,341 0%
TOTAL 260,830 100%

Achievements since the last funding

Since the last funding round, PeelPioneers has made significant strides in its mission to transform citrus peel waste into valuable products and promote sustainability in the food industry.

  • Building the largest peel processing factory in Europe
    The factory was constructed in under 15 months, within budget, and now operates 24 hours a day across 5 shifts, 360 days per year.

  • Increasing yearly revenue by 178% since 2020
    Baseline revenue from gate fees, feed, CPO (orange oil), and orangeade is stable. Clients remain loyal and satisfied with the product quality and delivery reliability.

  • Environmental impact 
    All reclaimed peel is saved from incineration, saving 0.7 tons of CO₂ per ton of peel. Over the past three years, more than 27,000 tons of peel have been processed, saving 20,000 tons of CO₂. This is equivalent to 8,000 return flights to New York or the CO₂ absorbed by approximately 800 hectares of mature forest per year.

  • International client portfolio
    PeelPioneers serve a portfolio of over 50 internationally recognized clients in the food and cosmetics industries.

Use of funds

PeelPioneers has developed a 'process improvement' programme that is comprised of CAPEX projects that focus at eliminating bottlenecks in the production process. This program, crafted by seasoned engineers with decades of experience in designing and building factories in the food & chemical industry, consists of projects that focus at eliminating bottlenecks, improving reliability and making technological changes if necessary.

The program is divided into 10 distinct projects with a total budget of  €2.1 million, which is the main use of proceeds. The remaining crowd-funds will be allocated to designing the first international expansion in Spain and finalizing and patenting research on a ‘superfiber’ with unique properties.

In the next funding round, additional funds will be raised to realize the Spanish facility, as outlined in the funding strategy.

Icon 1

Minimum Scenario

(€1,750,000 - €2,750,000 raised)

  • 90% investment in process improvement program as defined above
  • 10% investment in preparation of a new plant in Spain
  • Additional funds have to be raised in this scenario to reach break-even situation in ‘s-Hertogenbosch facility.

Icon 2

Medium Scenario

(€2,750,000 - €4,250,000 raised)

  • 70% investment in process improvement program as defined above
  • 30% investment in preparation of a new plant in Spain
  • Additional funds have to be raised in this scenario to reach break-even situation in ‘s-Hertogenbosch facility.

Icon 3

Maximum Scenario

(€4,250,000 - €5,750,000 raised)

  • 40% investment in process improvement program as defined above
  • 40% investment in preparation of a new plant in Spain
  • 20% investment in research and development: ‘superfiber’

In separate financings in advance of the crowdfunding current shareholders, NGF and Invest International, have together committed €4.35 million earlier this year. We aim for the same amount from the crowd. In the event that the crowdfunding falls short, PeelPioneers will seek financial support from investors including impact funds.

Investor Amount
1 European Circular Bioeconomy Fund €1.167.000
2 Innovatiefonds Brabant BV €667.000
3 DOEN Participaties BV €667.000
4 Nationaal Groenfonds (NGF) €1.000.000
5 Invest International Development B.V. €850.000

Financial figures & growth

Actual and planned figures

Get an insight into Peel Pioneers' financial figures, such as turnover and earnings development. Learn more about the growth forecast.

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Exit scenarios

PeelPioneers has outlined several potential exit strategies to ensure optimal growth and return on investment. These strategies reflect the company's commitment to sustainability and scalability, while addressing the interests of investors and stakeholders.

The primary scenarios under consideration are as follows:

Icon 1

Buy-out: The most realistic exit scenario identified by the company is a buy-out within the next five years. Main shareholders are actively targeting this option, with potential buyers including private equity funds and strategic investors such as world-scale juicing companies and listed food ingredient producers. Both groups have already shown interest in PeelPioneers.

Icon 2

IPO: The company has identified an IPO as an alternative scenario. Once mature, the technique is easily scalable. With massive amounts of peel available and large sales markets, capital will be the limiting factor. This represents an ESG investment opportunity that large investors are consistently seeking.

Icon 3

Smart licensing strategy: The third option is a smart licensing strategy where environmental sustainability and profitability go hand in hand, potentially enabling the fastest growth in total installed capacity. 


Investment related documents

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In this update section you will find new, project-relevant information that we receive.

Invesdor does not conduct a separate review of information received after the start of the financing phase.

UPDATE on 09.09.2024: PeelPioneers testimonial: Stephan Göttke

“PeelPioneers has developed an innovative and unique process for upcycling orange peels. The circular ingredients they produce are highly valuable to BUEFA, as we constantly seek sustainable, local sources for our products. I highly recommend the PeelPioneers team and wish them great success in their international expansion. I’ll be closely following their progress.-Stephan Göttke, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO)

UPDATE on 06.09.2024: PeelPioneers webinar with Q&A 05.09.2024

Bas van Wieringen and Sytze van Stempvoort, Co-founders from PeelPioneers, answered questions about the funding round and the company. Accompanied by Roderick Ruinard, Investment Manager at Invesdor, they spoke in the webinar about PeelPioneer's mission, key achievements and the impact the company is having on the circular economy.

UPDATE on 03.09.2024: Investor Q&A

It is an accounting choice. In close collaboration with our accountant Ernst & Young we decided to account for operating expenses in 2023 differently compared to 2022. This results in a move for certain costs from other expenses to COGS to reflect the financial position of the business more accurately. Comparing 2023 to 2022, taking this move into account, COGS did still increase due to start-up of fiber production. In the second half of 2023 we started producing fiber and therefore incurred the variable costs that accompany production, however as in all startup processes this did not immediately lead to increasing revenue.

Series B will be a combination of equity, EU grants supporting regional developments and debt facilities. EU grants are listed by our accountant Ernst & Young and will cover a significant part of the funds needed (25 – 45% of capex). With respect to equity and debt multiple specialised funds have showed serious interest and are supporting us in taking all the preparational steps. Lead- and strategic investors we’re in conversation with are based in Sweden, UK, Netherlands and Luxemburg. Invest international is actively supporting us in this trajectory and granted us a specific state facility tailored to closing Series B. We expect this round to be 50% equity and 50% debt/grants.

2024 budget shows a month over month increase in revenue due to ramp up in sales volume of the orange fiber. Other revenue sources are stable. This leads to a sales figure of 607 kEuro compared to a budget of 763 kEuro for H1 2024.

The figures as presented do include all repayment of loans in line with the contractual obligations.

Entrepreneurs still own 40% of the company which is a significant and high percentage for this industry and this stage. Currently €3.5 M are convertible loans. These loans most likely will be converted at Series B and the dilution will be dependent on the valuation of that round (see other question). Dilution will be typically between 10% and 30% and entrepreneurs will continue to have a significant stake in the company.

Standalone the ‘s-Hertogenbosch facility will be profitable. In the projections we anticipate on an overhead tailored towards international expansion. In case International expansion is delayed we will cut overhead in line with the production capacity of ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

All citrus fruits that enter the European Union need to adhere to strict safety regulations with regards to agricultural residues and should not exceed certain Maximum Residue Levels (MRL) which lie far below the levels that are still safe for human consumption (as determined in scientific studies by EFSA). These MRL's are regularly tested by us in independent laboratories on the citrus peels that we receive and on the products that we produce. We've been in business for almost 6 years and so far have had only two values above the limit. Also, we wash the citrus peels we receive to partly remove the agricultural residues. PeelPioneers’ mission is to ‘save’ citrus peels that would otherwise end up in waste incinerators and thus keep the molecules that mother Nature 'made’ for us alive, saving virgin material.

Only processing organic citrus fruit (<5% of total citrus fruit that is being juiced in NL) would not be economically viable and have a very limited impact.

The value of the shares will be the result of the negotiations with the lead investor in Series B. This will be a mix of DCF calculations, market standard multiples of EBITDA/Turnover and market conditions in 2025.

All citrus fruits that enter the European Union need to adhere to strict safety regulations with regards to agricultural residues (AR) and should not exceed certain Maximum Residue Levels (MRL) which lie far below the levels that are still safe for human consumption (as determined in scientific studies by EFSA). These MRL's are regularly tested by us in independent laboratories on the citrus peels that we receive and on the products that we produce. Any AR that is banned has a zero-tolerance limit. We've been in business for almost 6 years and so far have had only two values above the limit. Also, we wash the citrus peels we receive to partly remove the agricultural residues and the products are ‘heat treated’ to decrease the amount of left over residues even further.

PeelPioneers’ mission is to ‘save’ citrus peels that would otherwise end up in waste incinerators and thus keep the molecules that mother Nature 'made’ for us alive, saving virgin material.

Only processing organic citrus fruit (<5% of total citrus fruit that is being juiced in NL) would not be economically viable and have a very limited impact.

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