Marketing content

Why to invest

A “fast-growing” commodity: On a global level, Europe is the largest importer of bamboo and the second largest processor of bamboo after China. Bamboo is present in almost every household and used in nearly every sector. The demand for EU grown bamboo is rising fast. Current demand for our product exceeds supply 300 to 500 times. But we lack locally and sustainably grown bamboo in Europe.

Invest in strong assets & growth: Invest in the scale-up of a leading company in the European bamboo sector with a strong asset-base and growth forecasts. Sales have increased by 300% since 2021. An EBITDA-growth of 50% p.a. is expected the next years. Ride along on our growth story with a good risk/reward ratio: 8% annual return, backed by 100% collateral.

Experienced team with world renown bamboo experts: The management team was involved in over 25,000 hectares of bamboo fields worldwide since the 1980s and laid the foundation for bamboo farming in Europe in 1996 with the Bamboo for Europe programme subsidised by the E.U.

Multiple direct and recurring revenue streams: Bamboologic installs bamboo farms in Europe to meet the fast growing demand out of the European industry for locally sourced biobased materials with a low footprint. Hereby unlocking a green triple earning model: production & sales of bamboo plants in large volumes, offtake & processing of bamboo produce from external partner growers and sales of carbon removal certificates yielded through the bamboo fields. With access to a unique plant replication technique and expertise from world renown bamboo specialists, Bamboologic has a unique market position.

Make immediate and significant impact: Bamboo is a true sustainable supercharger. It makes a positive impact in so many ways. Bamboo farming is a huge step forward for biodiversity in agriculture. U.N. organisations and COP 21 recognized bamboo as an efficient tool in the climate challenge. During the 7-year loan, up to 1,000,000 tonnes of carbon storage potential is created.

Dr. Hans Friederich Company, Senior Partner - Shareholder, Bambulogic Europe B.V.

“The fast-growing demand for E.U. grown bamboo puts us in pole position for a rewarding green business model for decades to come. Since 2021 revenues tripled and we established bamboo farms in 7 European countries; making a significant positive impact on climate, nature and economy. We processed and sold bamboo to the E.U. industry and are now confronted with a demand that exceeds our supply 300 to 500 times. Together with farmers we are building a huge carbon sink battery, boost biodiversity in agriculture and create jobs.
With your support we can consolidate, fortify our structures and upscale our activities to accelerate our developments in order to meet the high demand for our product. A strong asset base and long-term recurring revenues are the foundation for this sustainable venture. Join the ride & make impact with us."

Dr. Hans Friederich, Senior Partner & Shareholder, Bambulogic Europe B.V., Former Director-General of the International Bamboo & Rattan Organisation (INBAR) & ex- European Director of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Investment information

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1 Unit
Oneplanetcrowd International B.V


Company profile

Bambulogic Europe B.V. (“Bamboologic”) is a Dutch company with offices in The Netherlands and Portugal, which started activities in 2020. Current shareholders are the key management and the UK based green energy group HIVE ENERGY ltd with a deployed capital of £1,9 billion.

We stand for locally grown low-footprint bamboo for the European market. With a demand from the industry exceeding supply, 14 B-to-C sales points in 10 countries, a successful online shop and a growing portfolio of carbon removal credits, future revenues are assured.

Two people holding bamboo

The bamboo farms yield carbon removal credits through Open Natural Carbon Accounting (, part of the Dutch Climate Cleanup Foundation. We are the first company to set-up a bamboo & carbon storage value chain from propagating seedlings, to marketable bamboo products. Bamboo products can store up to an astonishing 0,5kg of carbon per kg of material. Managed bamboo forests can store up to 40 tonnes of carbon per hectare / per year in soil and ecosystem.


  • Thanks to a unique plant multiplication technique we can produce and sell millions of plants
  • World renown bamboo experts in house as Jan Oprins and Dr. Hans Friederich 
  • Demand for product is exceeding supply 300 to 500 times
  • Activities in 7 countries, serving the demand for local production and short chains 

We are  awarded as winner of the “Brightwolves Sustainability Challenge” and the “Klimaatparlement”!

Company Info 

Company name: Bambulogic Europe B.V.
Managing Director: Jorre Appel
(Giles Redpath, Hive Energy ltd)
Business ID number: KvK 68152957
Founding Year: 2017

Stationsplein 26
6512 AB Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Industry: Agriculture/
Biobased materials
Number of employees: 15
Locations Nijmegen & Beverwijk,
The Netherlands
Alcoutim, Portugal
Website: Website
Social Media:


Products and services

Bamboo plant

Harvesting bamboo

Bamboo is one of the most versatile commodities. With more than 10.000 product applications it is used in almost every sector. The light and strong bamboo composite is used in cars, windmills, and satellites. The very dense wood is widely applied in flooring, furniture and as an alternative for hardwood solutions. Bamboo fibres are ideal for paper and textile production. The edible shoots are packed with proteins, fibres and silica, serving the human and animal food industry but also pharma and beauty & healthcare.

Problem: Shortage of European grown bamboo to meet the market demand and support the government-requested transition to a biobased / circular economy.

Solution: Sustainably cultivating, processing and selling of bamboo within Europe. Investing once in bamboo fields, means +100 years of harvest!

Catalyzer: Our unique bamboo carbon removal credits are sold to the Voluntary Carbon Market. This additional revenue stream enables us to install more bamboo fields.

Growing the raw material: Full service offer to European farmers, landowners & organizations: 

  • Quality EU produced bamboo plants
  • Growth and harvest guidance
  • 20-year harvest offtake agreement
  • Carbon removal certificates for the growing partner’s bamboo fields

Processing & selling: The way to the market

The bamboo from our own farms and partner growers is processed locally and sold to the market.

B-to-B: We have demand from the E.U. industry players for tens of thousands of tonnes of dry material.

B-to-C: Online shop and 14 sales points in 10 EU countries.

Business model

Growing bamboo

Bamboo storage

Building a long-term sustainable value chain with a triple ‘green’ earning model

Producing and selling bamboo plants and installing bamboo farms for farmers, landowners or companies.

Bamboo products from our own bamboo farms and partner growers with a 20-year offtake agreement are sold directly to the processing industry and through the currently 14 sales points in 10 countries.

Carbon removal certificates from Bamboologic and the partner growers are offered to the market by Bamboologic and through independent brokers or resellers in different European countries.

Bamboo generates recurring annual revenues up to 100 years after planting. Market leaders as IKEA, Melitta and many more are embracing bamboo. Only thing to do is to plant as much bamboo as possible to be able to meet the growing demand.


Bamboo products

Bamboologic stand

According to data of INBAR, Europe is the largest import market of bamboo. After China, the E.U.-27 is the largest exporter of bamboo products. Bamboo is present in almost every household, with tens of thousands of product applications.

Bamboo is a sustainable alternative for steel, PVC, (hard)wood, composites and cotton. Bamboo stands head and shoulders above other fibre crops; both in terms of the quality and versatility of the material and in terms of harvest volumes.
Its high silica content makes it sought after by the pharmaceutical, beauty and healthcare industries. It is nutrient rich and high in fibres good for human and animal consumption.

Bamboologic is one of the two important players in Europe controlling together more than 90% of the market, and the only active player in 5 countries. With a growing focus on renewable raw materials, local chains and sustainability within Europe, the demand from farmers to join our partner grower network is growing fast.

With a current demand out of the industry, exceeding the supply 300 to 500 times, future offtake of the harvested bamboo is ensured.

Market entry for competitors is difficult since:
1) Bamboo propagation (the base ingredient for bamboo farms) is difficult. Bamboo hardly gives seeds and multiplication involves a lot of knowledge and experience. With Jan Oprins we have a world authority in this field in the company.

2) Knowledge & experience for a bamboo venture is scarce in Europe.

3) To play a significant role on industrial level, volumes and scale should be adequate.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or 'Global Goals') are part of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and constitute the international framework for sustainable development until 2030. These SDGs are intended to put an end to poverty, inequality, and climate change.

As a sustainable frontrunner Bamboologic is contributing to several SDG’s in favour of climate, nature and society.

SDG 12

With European grown bamboo we are focussing on local production and short chains. Hereby avoiding polluting intercontinental transport and ensure that processing is carried out in a sustainable and responsible manner. As the second largest producer of bamboo, the E.U. needs supply security of bamboo. This is an enormous opportunity for the E.U. farming sector.

Ø  Elaborating the bamboo farm network up to + 100,000 tonnes of low footprint bamboo per year.

SDG 13

The fast growing and year-round green bamboo is a champion in taking CO2 out of the atmosphere. At COP 21 bamboo was pronounced as a very useful plant in climate action. With our network of bamboo farms we are building a huge nature-based carbon sink.

Ø During the 8-year loan up to 1,000,000 tonnes of carbon storage potential is created.

SDG 15

With more than 60% of degraded soils in the E.U., action is urgent. Bamboo forests are far from monocultures. No tillage is applied, and no pesticides or herbicides are used. It’s extensive root system battles erosion and a thick humus layer created through the constant leaf fall makes soils fertile again. Bamboo forests are lowering soil temperature and are known for its excellent water retention capacities. A recent biodiversity study carried out in our fields have shown a vibrant ecosystem. Insects, birds and land animals find food and shelter in between the bamboo.

Ø Boost biodiversity and counter land degradation of + 5,000 hectares of EU soils.

Use of funds

Bamboo is an investment intensive venture in the beginning as plants, farm installation, harvesting & processing should be set-up. Thanks to seeding investors as Hive Energy Group we were able to start-up and prove our model with success. Now it is time for a scale-up. With your support we want to exit the initial investors and consolidate for the next growth phase.

Once the bamboo is planted, nature goes its way. Bamboo is growing, carbon dioxide is sequestering and sales value is mounting. The nice thing about bamboo is that once invested and planted, the same plants generate revenues for more than 100 years; ensuring stable and growing long-term revenues.

The next growth phase is focussed at scaling-up the proven model in order to build supply of European bamboo as well as of carbon removal credits for the fast growing demand from the carbon markets.

Icon 1

Maximum Scenario

(€3,000,000 collected in the financing round)

The funds will allow:

  • Share buy-back & refinancing (60%)
  • Growth & development investments (37%)
  • Investment reserve (3%)

  • 28 % securisation land
  • 32 % shares BLE
  • 15 % planting material
  • 22 % land
  • 3 % reserve

Icon 2

Minimum Scenario

(Minimum funding of €1,250.000 collected in the financing round)

The funds will allow:

  • Share buy-back & refinancing (86%)
  • Growth & development investments (10%)
  • Investment reserve (4%)

  • 10 % securisation land
  • 76 % shares BLE
  • 10 % planting material
  • 4 % reserve

Financial figures & growth

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In this update section you will find new, project-relevant information that we receive.

Invesdor does not conduct a separate review of information received after the start of the financing phase.

UPDATE 02.05.2024: Investor Q&A

Bamboo is green all year round and the plant is full of water, both in the stems and roots.

Because bamboo fields are actively managed and monitored, the risk of fire outbreaks is very low. Indeed, bamboo is known to be relatively resistant to forest fires. Bamboo is usually free of side branches for the first 6 to 10 metres, this means the canopy does not spread fire easily. In managed bamboo forests, dried-out canes and materials are removed and density is controlled to promote growth. The fields are divided into sectors separated by firebreaks. Water is available on the entire site.

If a fire were to break out, it will affect some harvest cycles in the affected field. Fortunately, we can fall back on our network of bamboo farms spread across Europe. This allows us to increase harvest volumes at the other farms in such cases to make up for the loss of product in the burnt field.

After a fire, a bamboo forest recovers much faster than a traditional forest. Bamboo shoots grow back to their full length within 1 season. A study in South America showed that after 2 repeated forest fires on a 5-year time scale, 74% of the traditional vegetation was gone. In contrast, 7 to 9 times as many bamboo canes had grown back. So far, there are no known fires in European bamboo fields.

A key principle is that bamboo is only planted as an agricultural crop and not in the wild. The focus of planting bamboo is on sub-optimal agricultural plots and providing farmers with a better alternative to these lands. Because bamboo is an evergreen forest with a closed canopy, it lowers soil temperature, retains water in the soil, counteracts erosion through its intensive root system and supports ecosystem formation. Diversification into nature-inclusive crops with regenerative capacities is badly needed in Europe where, according to the EU, more than 60% of soils are in an unhealthy state.

Bamboo fields can be perfectly managed with minimal negative impact on the environment. The bamboo plantation in Alcoutim runs on solar energy, has large rainwater ponds and the irrigation system is gravity-based, using minimal energy.

As the recently conducted biodiversity survey in our 5-year-old bamboo field shows, the rich ecosystem within the bamboo fields is rather negatively affected by the surrounding traditional agriculture.

With a growing demand for wood products in the EU, using bamboo as biomass will reduce pressure on native wood species and forests. Many European forests are affected by diseases. The industry is exploring the market for alternatives and welcomes local bamboo cultivation.

Because bamboo rarely bears seeds, the crop does not spread via seed dispersal. Its extensive roots can be easily managed by trenches around fields (see drone image of our 6-year-old Portuguese bamboo field below).

Bamboo is one of the most biodiverse agricultural crops. A bamboo forest provides shelter to many birds, insects and small land animals. The leaf fall throughout the year creates a very rich soil; a true paradise for insects, fungi and dozens of plant species. Bamboo has naturally antibacterial properties. No pesticides are used on bamboo fields. There is also no ploughing, so the top soil layer is not disturbed. When harvesting, no clearcutting is done. Only one-third of the available bamboo is harvested annually.

Drone image of a 6-year-old Portuguese bamboo field

Drone image of a 6-year-old Portuguese bamboo field

Biodiversity in a bamboo field

Biodiversity in a bamboo field

We have covered this topic in detail on this page. The biodiversity check is carried out on a 5-year-old bamboo field in Portugal. On the page via the link, this biodiversity study can be downloaded.

However, the lifespan of bamboo can be more than 100 years, financial models and the financial horizon are set at 20 years. With each extra year of harvesting revenues and revenues from carbon certificates for embodied carbon, the return on investment rises. Planting bamboo now is generating a sustainable income for generations to come.

The economic viability of planting bamboo is calculated on a 20-year period. The break-even point for the field is reached somewhere around year 10. The carbon removal efficiency and soil storage capacity of bamboo have been set at 12 years, according to available literature and studies. As a safety measure, we have set the "carbon removal period" at 20 years. Revenues from the sale of the acquired carbon removal certificates can be offered to the market shortly after planting thanks to off-take agreements. This provides revenues in the first few years, incentivizing the farmer for his carbon removal efforts. The regenerative effects of bamboo on the soil depend on the initial soil and ecosystem situation and are noticeable after only a few years. The value of improving agricultural land quality cannot be overstated. This is crucial for future food supply and fuelling a biobased industry.

Since Bamboologic is also a grower, the interests of Bamboologic and farmers apply to both. The farmers help us secure the volumes demanded by the market. In return, we offer farmers a cooperative solution for harvesting, market access and obtaining carbon removal certificates.

Our ambition is to establish a European bamboo chain with a fair price for each link in the chain. Only then can a sustainable green business model be established. Bamboo offers long-term security due to its versatility of markets. Bamboo forest produces different products: the culms, edible shoots, biomass and even the leaves are purchased. The composition of the yield of the different products produced by a bamboo forest makes it a very interesting crop economically. Due to the exceptional qualities of bamboo as a product and the variety of possible applications, one can expect stable yields over the long term.

Farmers thus have a versatile, high-quality fiber crop. They are not tied to one sector, such as the food sector, which gives greater commercial security. In terms of net income per crop year, bamboo is more rewarding than Miscanthus, hemp, flax and other fiber crops.

The decisive factors in product selection are: market demand, sustainability throughout the production process and a fair price.

The versatile bamboo is a rapidly renewable alternative with a low footprint to PVC, steel, (hard) wood, composites and cotton. This carbon-negative material is a champion at storing carbon in sustainable materials. It is zero-degradable and any part of the plant can be processed. When grown locally, it avoids polluting transports over long distances and contributes to security of supply . Any material where a fossil component is replaced by bamboo is a step forward in sustainability. In recent years, industry has been increasingly demanding locally and sustainably grown products.

We not only replace fossil materials with bamboo, but also focus on the sustainability of the production process. Together with partners from industry, research institutions and universities, we are actively investigating all aspects of the production process with a focus on sustainability. Examples include the development of a bio-glue based on the lignin extracted from bamboo. We also cooperated to the laboratory scale production of bamboo pulp for textile avoiding the polluting viscose method, resulting in the first batch of sustainably produced European bamboo pulp. To take it a step further, the production of the textile with the pulp is 100% located in Portugal, on only a few hundred kilometres from the bamboo fields. A last example are the recently launched sample batches of 100% bamboo insulation produced in Germany with our bamboo from Portugal and Belgium.

Typically 7 to 8 years after planting. Before that period some smaller volumes out of pruning can be marketed.
The region around Alcoutim in Portugal is a barren rural area to which Europe is paying special attention. Many young people have left the region for lack of jobs. Agricultural activities are limited to a few traditional crops that are mostly monocultures with no added value for climate or nature. Bamboo farms create direct jobs, but also catalyze the development of several businesses in the region that work with bamboo or act as suppliers to the farms. This in turn activates the entire local economic network of suppliers, services, hospitality and R&D. Moreover, locally, bamboo forests increase agricultural biodiversity, counter erosion and desertification, and improve water retention in the soil. In the Alcoutim area, we have been the largest economic facilitator for the past 3 years.

UPDATE 26.04.2024: Investor Q&A

Below you will find some questions we have received from investors, answered by BambooLogic:

1. Does Bamboologic use pesticides or fertilisers?
We do not use pesticides or artificial fertilisers (if we do in certain cases, it is bio-certified)

2. Is the land where Bamboologic wants to establish bamboo plantations also suitable for other arable farming?
As shown in the video above, we often plant on impoverished land where no other arable farming is possible. Indeed, farmers who work with us often plant on areas where their other crops are not doing well.

3. Bamboologic indicates that their plantations contribute to biodiversity. For most 1-crop plantations, this is hardly the case, if at all. Why is this the case for bamboo plantations?
In relation to biodiversity, it is best to visit this page on our website. Here you can also download a biodiversity study we commissioned last year in a 5-year-old bamboo field. Indeed to show that a bamboo week is different from known crops, rather a boost to biodiversity seen: no pesticides, no ploughing, no clearings, humus layer through year-round leaf fall etc.

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