As a food tech, NEOH wants to revolutionize the global confectionery market with the sugar reduction megatrend. With the most innovative sugar substitute formula on the market, NEOH is planning sales of around 11 million euros in 2022.
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Investment information

Equity offering
Equity offered:
0.95 – 5.27 %
Price per share :
min investment 10 shares
Number of existing shares:
Fully diluted shares:
Pre-money valuation:

Our story

For investors from Germany: Click here to go to the Wertpapier-Informationsblatt (WIB)

The issuing company will participate as a shareholder in the operating company, Alpha Republic GmbH (hereinafter also referred to as “NEOH by“ Alpha Republic GmbH ”” or “NARG”) with the proceeds of this round. More detailed information on the business activities of NARG can be found under section 2 of the enterprise information.

As an innovative food tech company, NEOH wants to revolutionize the global confectionery market. The company is operating within a megatrend: the trend towards healthier and sugar-free snacking. With the innovative sugar substitute formula, NEOH can replace sugar in all products in the confectionery segment sustainably and significantly better than all other alternatives on the market. In this multi-billion dollar market, in which over USD 800 billion is sold annually, NEOH aims to become a global player with an ever-increasing range of healthier and tastier confectionery products with which the war is declared on sugar.

A Google trend analysis shows that the search for sugar reduction has now caught up with megatrend topics such as green energy or e-cars.



Sugar is one of the biggest health problems in the world. Sugar reduction will be the megatrend of the decade. Solutions for the sugar crisis are already being worked on around the world. One solution to this are state regulations, from warning notices to penalty taxes and bans. 28 countries have already introduced a sugar tax on beverages and food to reduce the sugar consumption of the population.


NEOH has the most innovative sugar substitute on the market. This not only guarantees a drastic reduction in the sugar content, but is the only formula in the world that has a low impact on blood sugar with a full taste. This opens up gigantic growth potential for the company.


The global confectionery market is over USD 800 billion. NEOH wants to revolutionize in this segment and become a global top player with a large range of products.


NEOH is the top seller in Austria and bestseller on Amazon in Germany after only one year on the website. Numerous awards confirm that NEOH is a gamechanger for customers and sweets experts.


In the medium term, the company wants to become a global top player. To achieve this, NEOH is currently accelerating growth in Austria, Germany and the USA. The company is also growing in the white label market through well-known partners.

Our business & market situation

Track records

Track Record # 1 Top seller in the domestic market Austria. Sustainable growth shows the development in the domestic market in Austria. This is how NEOH made it to the top seller at the largest food retail chain SPAR. With this strong performance, NEOH was already operationally positive in Austria in 2020, although the rollout into Austrian retail stores is far from complete.

Track Record # 2 Most recently, NEOH received the most important German award for a food tech, namely the Healthy Living Award 2021. The decisive factors are: 1. the taste, which is judged by a professional jury of chefs, plus 2. the health component, which has been analyzed by leading doctors.

Track Record # 3 Customers love the bars from NEOH. This is confirmed by the sales figures on Amazon Germany / Austria, where NEOH almost consistently received the bestseller status in its category.

Track Record # 4 Strong brand, popular product. NEOH has quickly established itself in the minds of consumers with its strong communication. For example, the recommendation rate - the most important brand value - is an excellent 74% in Germany.

Track Record # 5 2021 Jan / Feb Growth of 150%: in the months of Jan / Feb, sales within the NEOH brand more than doubled compared to the same period last year. And that despite limited availability due to Covid-19. Online sales even tripled compared to the previous year.

 The revolution in the global confectionery market

The revolutionary NEOH sugar substitute formula can be used in almost all sweets, from chocolate bars to waffles to spreads and much more. The NEOH product portfolio is therefore constantly being expanded. As early as 2021, three new product innovations will be launched on the market that make use of the NEOH miracle formula. NEOH's goal is to play the leading role on the confectionery shelf of the future.

This opens up almost unlimited growth opportunities for NEOH. Especially in the rapidly growing market for sugar-free-confectionary with an annual growth rate of 3.18% for 2019 to 2024. This market is worth around USD 3.5 billion worldwide. This means that it is growing significantly faster than the market for conventional chocolate with an annual growth forecast of only 1% from 2019 to 2025. However, the potential is even greater if you include the markets for sugar-free wafers, cookies, spreads and further more. NEOH wants to gain a foothold with its products everywhere in the next few years.

NEOH relies on a strong brand that has been protected in all relevant areas and regions. In addition, NEOH's sugar substitute formula is at least as well-kept a secret as the original recipe from the world's most famous soft drink manufacturer, Coca Cola. For example, the company only provides its production partners with the NEOH sugar substitute formula ready-mixed. In this way, NEOH ensures the quality of its products but also a decisive competitive advantage for revolutionizing the confectionery market.

Our team

Mag. Manuel Zeller

Manuel is Founder and CEO at NEOH. NEOH was the first to give birth to his vision of healthier snacking. Before he dedicated himself 100 % to the fight against sugar, he gained many years of experience at top management level and is very familiar with digital marketing. With his innovative and strategic way of working, he and his team want to turn his vision into reality and become the most innovative food tech in the confectionery industry.

Mag. (FH) Alexander Gänsdorfer, MBA

Alexander is Co-Founder and CMO at NEOH. As a former Senior Manager for New Business Development and Brand Manager, he has the necessary expertise to develop NEOH and make it one of the leading confectionery brands in the world.

MMag. Patrick Kolomaznik

Patrick is CFO and Co-Founder of NEOH. He is the financial expert on the NEOH team. He acquired his knowledge in this area as Vice President for Infrastructure and as Technical Managing Director of well-known companies. 

Adel Hafizovic

Adel is CSO and co-founder of NEOH. As a former corporate account manager in key account sales, he is our expert in opening up new markets and acquiring sales partners. In addition, he uses his expertise for the implementation, compliance and development of safety-relevant topics at NEOH. 

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